Monday, July 9, 2012

Who is Wilbur Mouse?

Wilbur A. Mouse
Who is the real Wilbur Mouse?

Wilbur is a simple country mouse. He has relatives in the city, but he didn't visit them much, because they looked down on their country cousins as rubes, yokels, and country bumpkins. There is a deeper conflict.

Wilbur's family joined the Vamp Guild and began to work for their food.

This violated the Credo of the League of Vermin:
"Vermin take their food from other creatures, do no more work than is needed to get food to eat, gorge themselves until full, show no gratitude, and leave a mess behind for others to clean up."
Wilbur can't imagine treating anyone this way — not even a dog … or a human. Wilbur is soft-spoken, thoughtful, considerate, and a hard worker. He prefers to be at peace with everyone.

He is fascinated by mechanical things and likes to make, fix, mend, restore, and preserve fine objects. In particular, he is fascinated with large clocks. This includes clocks which stand tall on their own — from tall case grandfather clocks, tall ship nautical clocks which have sailed upon the seas, and the grandest ones in clock towers.

Of course, there are things more delightful than clocks: cheese.

What else would a mouse dream of? Well, there is one other thing — a sweetheart.

Wilbur planned to live a quiet life. However, when his city mouse relatives become swallowed up in a whirlwind, he is drawn into a kerfuffle of cosmic proportions.

Anyway, Wilbur needs a break for some cheese.